discharges, also known as rolandic spikes or centrotemporal spikes, are a
specific type of interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) observed in electroencephalography
§ Rolandic
discharges are characterized by sharp waves that typically occur over the
central and temporal regions of the scalp, particularly around the rolandic
fissure, which separates the frontal and parietal lobes. They are most commonly
seen in children and are often associated with benign epilepsy syndromes.
§ These
discharges usually have a triphasic waveform, consisting of a sharp component
followed by a slower wave. The sharp wave is typically negative at the scalp
electrodes, with a positive potential at the frontal leads, creating a dipole
§ The
duration of rolandic discharges is generally between 50 to 100 milliseconds,
and they can occur in runs or bursts, often with a frequency of 1.5 to 3 Hz.
Clinical Significance:
§ Rolandic
discharges are most commonly associated with benign childhood epilepsy with
centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS), which typically presents with focal seizures
that may involve the face and are often self-limiting.
§ While
these discharges are generally considered benign, they can be associated with
seizures, particularly during sleep or drowsiness, and may lead to transient
neurological symptoms.
§ These
discharges are unilateral in about 70% of cases, often alternating between
hemispheres, and can be more prominent during sleep. They may also increase in
frequency with drowsiness and decrease with hyperventilation.
§ The
identification of rolandic discharges on an EEG is crucial for diagnosing benign
childhood epilepsy syndromes. Their characteristic appearance and location help
differentiate them from other types of epileptiform activity.
§ The
prognosis for children with rolandic discharges is generally favorable. Many
children outgrow these discharges and associated seizures by adolescence, and
they typically do not lead to long-term neurological deficits.
Impact of Treatment:
§ In most
cases, treatment may not be necessary, as the condition is often self-limiting.
However, if seizures are frequent or problematic, antiepileptic medications may
be prescribed.
summary, rolandic discharges are a common EEG finding in children, particularly
associated with benign epilepsy syndromes. Their identification is important
for accurate diagnosis and management, and they typically have a favorable
prognosis. Understanding the characteristics and implications of rolandic
discharges is essential for clinicians working with pediatric patients with
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